

Kreativ-Tonies Sprache: Englisch Tonies Shop


Bedtime can be a very precious time for parents and children. It’s a time for reading stories and playing soothing bedtime music, a time to deepen our bonds and create healthy, nourishing sleep patterns.

A predictable, calming bedtime routine is the key to a good night’s sleep and the Creative-Tonie Sleepy can be filled with 90 minutes of your own customised content of lullabies and bedtime stories. Many parents have even told us that the Toniebox and Tonies have assisted with getting children to fall asleep alone, thus giving the parents their evenings back!

Creative-Tonies are the perfect way to record all your own messages and content, each one fits up to 90 minutes of stories, music messages or educational content on them. You can even ask a grandparent or family member to record you a message. Happy recording! To get you started, we release free content each month that you can assign to your Creative Tonie. Just log into your mytonies account and head to the Audio Library!