Animal World

Animal World: Record Breakers

ab 5 Jahren Sprache: Englisch Tonies Shop


Animal-loving explorer Quinn loves learning about the incredible features of remarkable creatures, so this tonies® original Clever Pocket Tonie set is packed full of amazing animal facts. Curious listeners join Quinn aboard the Lodistar travel ship for a round-the-world road trip to meet some real record-breakers.

The set includes 4 separate Clever Tonies:

1. Slowpokes and Speedsters

2. Beasts and Brainiacs

3. Mini Marvels and Towering Titans

4. Charmers and Creeps

Each Clever Tonie is 25 minutes

Slowpokes and Speedsters - Intro
Slowpokes and Speedsters - The Cheetah
Slowpokes and Speedsters - Lodistar Quiz 1
Slowpokes and Speedsters - The Sloth and The Moss
Slowpokes and Speedsters - Lodistar Quiz 2
Slowpokes and Speedsters - Outro
Beasts and Brainiacs - Intro
Beasts and Brainiacs - The Blue Whale and The Orca
Beasts and Brainiacs - Lodistar Quiz 1
Beasts and Brainiacs - The Octopus and The Dolphin
Beasts and Brainiacs - Lodistar Quiz 2
Beasts and Brainiacs - Outro
Mini Marvels and Towering Titans - Intro
Mini Marvels and Towering Titans - The Elephant
Mini Marvels and Towering Titans - Lodistar Quiz 1
Mini Marvels and Towering Titans - Ant Colony
Mini Marvels and Towering Titans - Lodistar Quiz 2
Mini Marvels and Towering Titans - Outro
Charmers and Creeps - Intro
Charmers and Creeps - Frog Camouflage
Charmers and Creeps - Lodistar Quiz 1
Charmers and Creeps - Showstopper The Peacock
Charmers and Creeps - Lodistar Quiz 2
Charmers and Creeps - Outro

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